Fused Cast AZS 41# Doghouse Sidewall Block
--Excellent corrosion resistance
--Low pollution
--High temperature stability
--Improve production efficiency
--Extend the service life of the glass furnace

The reasons and advantages of using fused cast AZS #41 blocks for the doghouse sidewall of the glass furnace are mainly reflected in the following aspects:


High corrosion resistance requirements:

The doghouse is the part of the glass furnace that directly contacts the high-temperature glass liquid and the batch material, and is subject to strong corrosion. Therefore, it is necessary to select refractory materials with excellent corrosion resistance.

Harsh working environment:

The working environment temperature of the doghouse is high, and the batch material may bring in impurities during the addition process, which further aggravates the corrosion of the refractory material.


Excellent corrosion resistance:

The fused cast AZS #41 block contains more evenly distributed zirconium oxide crystals, which makes it have the best corrosion resistance in the zirconium corundum block system. Therefore, it can effectively resist the corrosion of glass liquid and batch material and extend its service life.

Low pollution:

This block type has minimal pollution to the glass, which helps to maintain the purity of the glass liquid and improve the quality of glass products.

High temperature stability:

The fused cast AZS #41 block has excellent high temperature stability, can maintain stable performance in high temperature environment, and is not easy to deform or crack.

Extend the service life of the glass furnace:

Using fused cast AZS #41 blocks as the refractory material for the doghouse can reduce the number of repairs and replacements due to erosion, thereby extending the service life of the entire furnace.

Improve production efficiency:

Due to the good erosion resistance of this type of block, it can reduce the downtime caused by damage to the refractory material and improve the production efficiency of the glass furnace.

Casting method


Casting method


Bulk density






Void free

The casting is similar to ZWS but in case, cavity portion is completely cut off.




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  • +86-371-86036378
  • info@snr-azs.com
  • +86-371-86039318
  • Zhengzhou City, Henan Province